Ethics and corrections policy

Bluebonnet News’ journalists strive to:

  • Be accurate and fair in reporting, remembering that context is just as important as content.
  • Publish articles that are multi-sourced.
  • Provide news quickly to the community but not if details and facts are missed or overlooked.
  • Earn the respect of the community through good, respectable journalism.
  • Avoid anonymous sources unless they are a last resort.
  • Properly attribute quotes and source information.
  • Avoid plagiarism.
  • Never allow altered photography. Photos must be a true representation and cannot be Photoshopped.

We believe that journalism is still a sacred occupation.  As such, it should be guarded so as not to erode public trust. We will not accept bribes, financial rewards or influence in exchange for covering or avoiding a subject. We will not use our position to receive VIP treatment.

In the event an error is made in an article, we will correct the mistake quickly and fairly, and republish the corrected article. If we publish a mugshot of a person who is arrested and charges are later dropped or dismissed, we will remove the mugshot from the website if the person provides legal documents supporting their claim of dismissed or dropped charges.

Vanesa Brashier

Publisher and owner, Bluebonnet News of Texas