63.1 F
Sunday, April 28, 2024

Welcome to Bluebonnet News

We are the only daily news source that covers all of Liberty County. Our goals are: to inform the community of breaking news and issues that impact residents' daily lives; to promote local businesses, churches, schools and organizations; encourage people to shop local; and be an effective advertising platform for businesses in the community. This site is about you and for you, our readers.

Vanesa Brashier

Editor and publisher

Vanesa Brashier is a veteran journalist with more than 20 years of experience. She most recently was a regional community news editor for the Houston Chronicle/Houston Community Newspapers, managing the editorial team at the Cleveland Advocate, Dayton News and Eastex Advocate. During part of her 12 years at the newspapers, she was assigned as the digital editor for the Humble Observer, Kingwood Observer, East Montgomery County Observer and the Lake Houston Observer. Prior to her arrival at the Cleveland Advocate office, she was the managing editor of the Observer newspapers in Humble. Over the years, she has earned more than two dozen writing awards, including Journalist of the Year. She is a lifetime resident of Liberty County and makes her home in Moss Hill with her husband, John McCulloch, three daughters, two sons-in-law, four grandchildren and enough pets to start a petting zoo. While nearly all of the content is provided by Bluebonnet News publisher Vanesa Brashier, on occasion, Bluebonnet News uses properly-vetted freelancers to cover events and meetings, and to write articles on people or happenings in the community. If you are interested in freelancing community-minded articles, please contact Brashier at editor@bluebonnetnews.com.