Romayor woman advances to Round 2 of online Christian music contest

Sarah Pantoja, of Romayor, using the moniker of Sarah Lylaa, is a contestant in the You, God's Music contest.

Romayor’s very own Sarah Pantoja is making waves in the virtual realm as she takes her faith and vocal talent to the national stage.

Under the alias “Sarah Lylaa,” the 41-year-old worship leader of First Baptist Church of Romayor has successfully secured a place in Round 2 of the “You, God’s Music” online Christian singing contest. Looking ahead, Pantoja is aiming to progress into the Top 25 contestants in Round 3.

Expressing her lifelong passion for singing and a stronger inclination toward songwriting, Pantoja decided to enter the competition after stumbling upon it on social media.

“I thought I would enter it and see how it goes,” she shared.

The poignant choice of her contest entry, “Good Morning, Mercy,” carries a special significance for Sarah. Originally written and performed by Christian artist Jason Crabb, this song is a familiar tune often heard during Sarah’s performances at her church.

Explaining her selection, she said, “I chose this song because even though we all fall short of God’s glory, that song is a reminder that His love never ceases, His mercies are new every morning, and great is His faithfulness.”

The “You, God’s Music” competition will come to a climactic close with a live performance featuring the Final 5 contestants on July 27 in San Antonio. The host will be Jason Crabb.

Sarah’s ambition is to compose Christian music, driven by her perception that much of contemporary Christian music lacks depth and sincerity.

“I don’t think we need to water down the Gospel of Christ,” she explained.

Voting in the competition requires a $1 contribution per vote. This approach helps prevent abuse of the voting system and also generates funds for Christian charities. A portion of the proceeds generated from voting for Sarah will be allocated to her chosen charity, the First Baptist Church of Romayor.

According to Sarah, as the contest narrows down to the final five contestants, judges in the contest will also weigh in on who should advance to the final round.

When Sarah is not busy taking part in the online contest or leading worship songs at her church, you can find her serving as the pit master at Frank’s BBQ in Liberty, assisting her sister, Monica Leal, with their family-owned business.

She also enjoys spending quality time with her husband, Angel Pantoja, and their four children. Among their children, two have already graduated from Hardin High School, one is currently a Hardin High School graduate, and the youngest is a sophomore there.

To hear Sarah’s performance and to vote in the contest, go online to Voting in this round ends on June 2.

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