Mosquito spraying in Liberty County to begin Saturday, May 25

In response to heightened mosquito populations following recent severe storms and flooding, Liberty County officials, in partnership with the Texas Department of State Health Services, have scheduled wide-area spraying.

The initiative aims to address the growing mosquito numbers and minimize potential health risks.

Scheduled to commence at dusk on Saturday, May 25, the wide-area spraying will extend through the night, with contingencies in place for rescheduling in case of inclement weather. The efforts come as a response to large areas created by the severe weather where mosquitoes can lay their eggs.

In collaboration with Vector Disease Control International, the Texas Department of State Health Services has activated the use of a specially approved insecticide for mosquito control programs. It is important to note that the minimal amount of insecticide poses no risk to public health, pets, or the environment.

As part of the initiative, residents are encouraged to stay indoors and secure windows and doors during the spraying.

Individuals are advised to address standing water in their surroundings to help control mosquito populations and to use EPA-registered mosquito repellent when outdoors.

For more information, contact the Liberty County Office of Emergency Management.


  1. There’s a lot of people in Dayton area upset with the Saturday evening/night spraying. Many videos shows truck speeding through neighborhoods with no sign of fogging. Do better Liberty County….

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